As a member of this team, I agree to:
Remember that I am a guest, working at the invitation of my hosts. I have come to learn, serve, teach, and encourage. I agree to dress respectfully according to the local customs.
Recognize that part of being a guest in a foreign country means food, lodging, transportation, and facilities will be different. I accept this and will work to push past my inhibitions.
Respect the host’s way of living out their faith, recognizing that Christianity has many faces throughout the world.
One of the many purposes of the trip is to experience faith lived out in a new setting.
Commit to developing and maintaining a servant attitude toward all nationals as well as other team members. Philippians 2:4
Respect my team leaders and their decisions. If I disagree with or do not understand a decision, I will show grace and give the benefit of the doubt. If I believe the decision to be unbiblical, I will address the situation following Matthew 18.
Refrain from gossip. Remain positive and refrain from complaining. I know that travel can present numerous unexpected and undesired circumstances. Instead of being negative, I will be flexible, creative, submissive, loving, compassionate, and supportive.
Attend all team meetings before the trip as well as any follow-up meetings.
Commit to not be exclusive in my relationships. I will make every effort to interact with all members of the team. I will not attempt to pursue a relationship with any team member until after we return home. I will refrain from any activity that could be construed as a romantic interest toward a national.
Commit to being above reproach in my relationship with members of the opposite sex and do everything I can to maintain a culture and atmosphere of safety. I will, under no circumstances, be in a room alone with a non-family member of the opposite sex or with a non-family member minor child of either sex.
Personally thank all financial donors and prayer partners who support my trip.
Not be involved with illegal substances of any type. Abstain from the consumption of any items that are known concerns for team members and may cause them to stumble. Romans 14:20
Pay all remaining balances due per schedule. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to meet all financial deadlines and that if I don’t participate in the trip for any reason, I am still responsible for covering the cost of my trip, up to the original amount due, and any changes to my itinerary are at my own expense.