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Myanmar Orphan Sponsorship

Be the difference

Mya Hnin Aye
She comes from a very remote area and grew up in an extremely poor family. Her family sometimes cannot even find enough food. Even though she is in 3rd grade, she cannot read anything. Even though she claims that she comes from a Christian family, she doesn’t know anything about Bible or Bible stories. The situation in our country makes it worse for her family. They are so scared for their safety living in their area. Her family told us that even if she does not go to school with us but has enough food and is safe for her, they are happy.  She likes dancing and the color orange.

Mya Hnin Aye

SKU: 5130
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Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Sponsorship Supporting Family

Binding Thread Inc is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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