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Why Myanmar

In short, there is a defined need for services to be implemented here.
Myanmar (Burma) had traveled a long way towards democracy, but has experienced some severe setbacks recently.
International human rights advocates remain concerned about ongoing human rights violations in Burma. 
Based on the systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom occurring in the country, in 2019 USCIRF again finds that Burma merits designation as a “country of particular concern,” under the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA).
We are well equipped with over a dozen leaders "on the ground" working to rectify the abuses daily.  With support, we pray that they will continue to see the growth of Christ followers in this beautiful land.

Myanmar OrphanageWork
Myanmar Orphanage Area
Myanmar Orphanage Desire

Why Orphanages

Belonging to a family means growing up feeling safe to be yourself and dream freely about your future. Children who lack family or family care can become part of a new family.


Child abandonment has been on the rise in Myanmar.

In many cases, the children in orphanages are there because their parents are deceased or perhaps one of the parents is in jail, but increasingly many are being abandoned. Children from unwanted pregnancies, born out of wedlock, or as a result of rape or incest are most often abandoned.


Though gross domestic product has risen significantly in recent years, Myanmar remains a poor country. Many areas continue to be affected by long-standing conflicts. In 2019, an estimated 460,000 children affected by conflicts or natural disasters will require humanitarian assistance.


55 percent of children live in extreme poverty.  


Many children and communities still struggle to access basic services in health, education, water and sanitation and child protections. Over 4 million Myanmar children live in households that do not use standard toilet facilities.

The under-five mortality rate of 50 per 1,000 live births is one of the highest in the region, with many of those deaths being preventable and half of all deaths occurring among newborns.

Poverty remains the major contributing factor in large numbers of children who are out of school and working, often in hazardous conditions. 

Migration is a major part of life in Myanmar, and children who migrate to follow their families or for education are more vulnerable to exploitation.

Children key statistics

Orphan Child worker
Myanmar State Orphanage
Myanmar Orphan Street Worker

What we do

We are committed to raising the next generation of Christian leaders for the country of Myanmar.  

Through financial and logistical support for orphanages throughout the country, we dedicate ourselves to this mission.  The leaders that are serving in these roles daily are providing the most basic needs for this displaced and overlooked sector. Food, clothing, housing, and education are important and must be provided. The most crucial need cannot be given in the same way. The teaching and love of Christ that is poured out through the local leaders is the greatest asset that we have.  Truly, the hands and feet of Christ will be the power of these generations to come. 

With support for post-secondary education, we encourage the best and brightest in these fields to continue their work within the borders of Myanmar.  We pray that they can be lights to the people of Myanmar for justice, equality, and empowerment through the love of Christ. 

For those that collegiate goals are not a viable option, the choices can be hard in Myanmar.  While the economy is growing, there are still few good options for young people to earn income to provide for themselves and their families. This is especially true for women. We aim to help this situation by partnering with young women to provide fair trade goods that are produced by these ladies.  Through Love Loom House, they are able to earn a normal wage, receive training, and provide for themselves.  A huge improvement to the alternative options they face.

While we believe these systems will be the most effective path to long-term sustainable growth in Myanmar, we also believe that the best secondary support is provided through helping build up the local economic systems.  That is why we commit to obtaining the resources required to achieve these successes through local entrepreneurial projects. 

While we are dedicated to the growth and empowerment of all people in Myanmar through these programs, we believe success to be available only through continuous review and improvement activities. We were not built to be static in body, mind, or spirit. We will continue to pray and look for opportunities for growth.

Our key focus areas

Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan
Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Girls
Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Kids Together

Prayers for Myanmar

Pray that the government will respect the religious freedoms of all its citizens – including the followers of Jesus. Ask God to prove Himself victorious over the longstanding abuses in Burma, and to demonstrate His transforming power by bringing many more to salvation. Pray for the safety of the pastors there and that they can see God's fruits for their labors. 

Myanmar key statistics

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Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Sponsorship Supporting Family

Binding Thread Inc is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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