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God gave me a vision of helping the helpless. To go forward to provide for the children that had no way to provide.  To give hope to the hopeless in Mynamar.

Johnson Duh Siam 
and Tail Bor


Living Hope Children Home, managed by Johnson Duh Siam and Tial Bor, was established in 2005. The campus is currently home to 50 children.


Johnson Duh Siam was born into a Christian family in western Myanmar. He was baptized in 1990, and he married his wife, Tial Bor, in 2004. Both Johnson and Tial Bor were given a vision of starting an orphanage, and in 2005 they started Living Hope Children Home with 12 children. Since then, they have expanded their numbers and the buildings on campus, now having a boys dorm, a girls dorm, and a dining room with an enclosed kitchen.


Johnson and Tial Bor have 3 biological children - Sarah, John, and Deborah - who all live on campus. In their free time, Johnson enjoys playing volleyball and spending time with the children, and Tial Bor likes to play games with the children. They have a pig farm and a chicken farm on campus, as well as a small garden for growing vegetables. Their primary campus goal is “giving hope to the hopeless children in Myanmar”. Their continuous prayer requests include prayers for health, wisdom, and safety.

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Contact us to learn more about Johnson and Tail Bor, Living Hope Children's Home campus, and God's work that is being fulfilled there.

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Binding Thread Myanmar Orphan Sponsorship Supporting Family

Binding Thread Inc is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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